Neil Wood, PhD, KPA-CTP
Behaviour Consultant and Trainer
Hidden Gem Dogs
Helping People, Helping Dogs

Teaching Philosophy
Hidden Gem Dogs recognises that all learners, humans and dogs, are individuals with specific needs that must be met to thrive.
Hidden Gem Dogs uses evidence based positive reinforcement methods to build lasting partnerships between dogs and people
Neil Wood, PhD, KPA CTP
Neil is committed to building positive partnerships between dogs and people through the most humane and effective methods possible.
Leveraging mindfulness and a passion for teaching, Neil empowers his clients to live the best possible life with their canine family members.
Neil focusses on understanding the dog and what their behaviour tells us about their nature, needs, and how we can improve their and the family's welfare.
Neil holds a doctorate from the University of Glasgow. He is a Certified Training Partner with the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training and Behaviour has completed Michael Shikashio's Aggression in Dogs master course and is a Family Dog Mediator